[Zope-CMF] Trouble Adding New Content Types Using Zclass
Kenneth Bolton
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 10:55:41 -0400
on 4/12/01 9:29 PM, Tres Seaver at tseaver@novacoxmail.com wrote:
> A PythonScript which is in the ZClass Product (WasteManagement) and called
> from a FactoryTypeInformation's 'constructInstance' (as yours is) shouldn't
> neet to do the "manage_addProduct" bit; the FTI does that for you. All
> you should need to do is call "context.GarbageDump.createInObjectManager'.
Can someone explain why the PortalPollType uses manage_addProduct and why I
shouldn't be using it in what I'm doing?