[Zope-CMF] SearchableText, custom subfolders, 2 data streams.
Dieter Maurer
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 21:44:02 +0200 (CEST)
Ignacio Valdes writes:
> 1) Does the SearchableText python script have to reside in the
> PortalPollProductClass? Can it be relocated to a local spot such as in
> portal_skins/custom?
This would make is global (in some way). Each content class
can have a "SearchableText" method and they are usually different.
> 3) I am modifying the Portal Poll product such that I'm adding
> properties other than the stock ones such as documentationURL. I would
> also like to use the standard metadata fields since they already hold
> title, description, etc. So I need to have all of these data fields on
> one input form, but then split them up to go to their appropriate
> places: title, desc-->metadata and documentationURL-->PortalPoll
> propertysheet. I'm trying to marry the two methods that do these
> independently, but as far as I can tell with how <form> is setup, it
> doesn't appear as though you can submit to two different places at once.
You can submit a form only to a single URL, but the object
at this place can well use the request in different ways, a la:
<dtml-call "XXXX.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "YYYY.manage_changePropertied(REQUEST)">