[Zope-CMF] Uploading news items with FTP
Jonathan Corbet
Tue, 24 Apr 2001 13:27:42 -0600
> The script, a skinnable object and probably called 'getTypeForUpload',
> would be supplied the 'headers', 'content_type', and 'default_type'
> parameters and would be expected to return the ID of a type. The
> default_type function would look at the mime_type parameter (which doesn't
> exist yet) of each type and the first match it finds would win.
> What do you think? This solution would be easy and flexible.
It looks to me like a workable short-term solution. I agree with the other
comments I have seen that it may not be the best design for the "real"
solution, which is sure to be implemented sometime Real Soon Now.
Meanwhile, maybe I'll bash out something along these lines to get me going
for now...
Many thanks,
Jonathan Corbet
Executive editor, LWN.net