[Zope-CMF] Re: Chicken and the Egg -- WAS -- Using CMF withou t portal like features

Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:33:53 -0400

Tim Hoffman wrote:

> I would be willing to put some time into helping document.
> I have been using zope for about a year and CMF since 1.0. was beta 
> (which I know ain't long) and too lament the lack of basic API doc's.
> I think for me a good starting place would be to document at least the 
> public (and committed) API's for all of the portal objects. Such as

> portal_type_registry, portal_workflow etc.. and at least define how

> they relate to each other.

*Borrowing Guido's time machine*  VOILA!  I have magically updated your
CMF installation to provide *exactly* what you ask for!  Check out the
"CMFCore help" in the ZMI Help System, which is backed by the
'CMFCore/interfaces' directory.

> Going off and having a look through the code is a bit of a drag, and 
> half the time I don't know what I am actually looking for.

> Also which bit's are comitted interfaces  (ie aren't likely
> to be significantly changed in the next dot release.

That directory contains interface specs whcih are "committed" (they
haven't changed much since CMF 1.0, actually).  CMFDefault/interfaces
has one, as does CMFTopic/interfaces.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com