[Zope-CMF] WebDAV editing inside CMF site (Error: 302 Moved Temporarily)
Ole Aamot
03 Aug 2001 18:45:11 +0200
Tres Seaver <tseaver@palladion.com> writes:
| > So far I've had no success with uploading or editing a DTML doc to
| > the CMF site folder using cadaver 0.17.
| The CookieCrumbler's "eager redirect" is the culprit here. If
| you clear the "Auto login form" property in the 'cookie_authentication'
| object, then cadaver will trigger normal HTTP Basic Auth, and will
| therefore prompt for userid / password.
Thanks! Works great. Any possible bad effects of disabling it?
Would it be hard/possible to implement Undo on PUT transactions?
-- Ole