[Zope-CMF] CMF.zope.org Calendar

Andrew Sawyers Andrew Sawyers" <andrew@zope.com
Sun, 5 Aug 2001 09:20:11 -0700

I'll have to look at the code tomorrow, but the problem is because it starts
in July 27th and ends on August 30th.  If I recall correctly we look for
events that begin within that month for the month view (i.e. 08/01/2001 @
12:00:01am).  The code didn't take into consideration an event might start
sometime in a previous month and continue through the next month.

----- Original Message -----
From: "WebMaster" <webmaster@virginiaweb.com>
To: <zope-cmf@zope.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 6:24 PM
Subject: [Zope-CMF] CMF.zope.org Calendar

> Just a note.
> I logged into the CMF and went to the calendar.  August had a message
> stating there were no events.  I clicked on 08/08 and then an event for
> 7th appeared.
> Events for August
> There are no events listed.
> then click on the 8th:
>       Events for 2001/08/08
>       Zope Presentation @ HALPC   2001/07/27
>       I will be giving a ZOPE Presentation at the HAL-PC Linux SIG. The
> presentation is located at,
> http://runyaga.com/projects/Presentations/ZopePresentationAtHALPC It will
> a two hour long presentation, focusing on a broad overview of ZOPE. CMF
> be discussed and Storage implementations. I will also show off ZEO and
> demoing a interactive debugging session. It should be fun. ;)
> _______________________________________________
> Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@zope.org
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