[Zope-CMF] Topics and meta_type criteria
Bill Anderson
07 Aug 2001 17:51:05 -0600
On 06 Aug 2001 23:03:58 +0100, Norman Khine wrote:
> Hi,
> I just finnished the
> http://cmf.zope.org/Members/davew/PortalStuff/PortalPollTutorial and it has
> been really helpfull THANKS
> Now, I have created a TOPIC and am editing the Topic Criteria:
> String: meta_type
> Value: PollClassType
> so this should return all the polls that I have added using the above
> tutorial, but in fact this returns zero results?!
I have not looked at that Tut for some time. Does it use Scriptable Tye
Information? If so, try changing it to:
String: Type
Value: PallClassType