[Zope-CMF] A couple basic newbie questions ...

John Puster john.puster@acymtech.com
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:40:09 -0500

1: I'm fairly certain that it is of type Document.  To find out for sure,
you can take a peek at it in the ZMI.  The icons used in CMF are also
reliable for checking that sort of thing (if you haven't added content types
and re-used images).

2: You can add subjects to those select boxes based on content type using
the portal_metadata tool (in the ZMI), under the "elements" tab.

3: I tried out the ExternalImage stuff once.  The main advantage I could
determine was that you end up with a smaller ZODB.  However, it seems like
storing everything in the ZODB is preferable, because you don't have to
worry about things like filesystem permissions, potential cleanup problems
and more complicated site backups.  I think I would only use external
filetypes for really huge files.  There could be some more benefits I'm


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lynn Walton [mailto:waltonl@franklin.edu]
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 1:30 PM
> To: CMF Mailing List
> Subject: [Zope-CMF] A couple basic newbie questions ...
> I followed the PortalPoll tutorial, creating a CMF site under a folder
> called tests.
> I can login using http://mysite/tests/TestPortal03
> Some questions I have are:
> 1) What type of document is the default index_html that is created for
> me?  I'm guessing it is of type CMFDocument. But how do I know that?
> 2) When I click Metadata,  I don't understand the roll of the 
> unlabeled
> form element that is present due to the code:
>     <select name="subject:list" multiple>
>          </select>
>     What is it supposed to be representing? How is it 
> supposed to work?
> Should it be showing up there?
> 3) Of the CMF users out there, how many use External 
> (filesystem based)
> images as opposed to ones stored in the ZODB, and why? Can 
> someone share
> what they see are the advantages/disadvantages and/or what 
> factors might
> cause them to choose one or the other?  Same with using 
> FileSystem based
> content types? When should I choose that ?    I'm looking at the new
> http://www.zope.org/Members/eenge/CMFBoringContent/  which is 
> apparently
> using filesystem based.  What capabilities do I gain and lose by
> choosing a filesystem based?
> Thanks,
> Lynn