[Zope-CMF] Your opinion about CMF for e-commerce
Julián Muñoz Domínguez
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:40:20 +0000 (GMT)
I am evaluating the possibility to use zope and cmf as the base platform
for an ecommerce.
I know that there is other gnue tools specific for this purpose, but in my
case what I want is a fast and powerfull way to do rapid developpment,
more than having a powerfull catalog generator and manager (I will not
have many products), having the possibility to code the logic, and
integrate my business.
All the elements seem to be here. (Now I am thinking on SSL, that I must
use when a user enters private datas. Now I am trying to configure SSL and
user authentification)
What is the expert's opinion ?
Maybe some ecommerce module could be developped ?
Thanks, for any answer, it is really very high value information :-)
_ \<_
Saludos de Julián