[Zope-CMF] CMF-Wiki: how do I edit ??
Tres Seaver
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:07:12 -0400
marc lindahl wrote:
> Oops! Let the cmf webmaster know!
>>From: "Ulrich Eck" <ueck@net-labs.de>
>>Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 17:14:36 +0200
>>To: "marc lindahl" <marc@bowery.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] CMF-Wiki: how do I edit ??
>>>Check the readme or search the list -- Jeff Sasmor posted a simple
>>>workaround for Zope 2.3.x to get that -- has to do with 2.4's
>>>"Authenticated" Role.
>>thanks for your answer, but this won't help, because I have my wiki
>>instanciated on http://cmf.zope.org .. where I have no influence ..
>>thanks anyway ..
Should be fixed now -- I've applied *all* of Jeff's fix (I forgot
to add the 'Authenticated' role to all existing members!)
Thanks for reporting this!
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com