[Zope-CMF] Re: Easiest way to make my own portal_type that is like CMFDocument but with extra properties

Lynn Walton waltonl@franklin.edu
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 00:07:18 -0500

Tres Seaver wrote:

> If you want to create your own type which has everything
> CMFDefault.Document does, but adds an additional three properties,
> the simplest tack would be:
>   1. Create a ZClass, derived from CMFDefault.Document.

Where did you create this?

>   2. Add a propertysheet to the ZClass with the properties you need.
>   3. Customize the skins in your portal to use / update these properties.

Would this make me unable to use the plain CMFDocument if my skins are changed to
use these properties ?
Or are you talking about a skin that is only applied to my new type?  Can you give
me an example of a skin you changed, what it's effect is, etc?

Here is actually what I decided to try even though it seemed a little longer than
what Tres suggested: But something's not allowing me to define actions for the
portal_type.  Can anyone see why?

What I did: (which is very much like following the PortalPoll Tutorial)

Went to Control_Panel/Products
Selected Add Product
Gave name FU_CMFDocument

Selected FU_CMFDocument from Products List
Select 'ZClass' from Add List
  Name: FU_CMFDocumentClass
  Title: FU_CMFDocumentClass
  Metatype: FU_CMFDocument
Left checkboxes checked for both:
  creating constructors and
  including standard Zope persistent object base classes
In Add to Base Classes, Only chose CMFDefault: Document
Hit Add button.

Select Properties Tab of the FU_CMFDocumentClass ZClass
Added 3 properties, all strings with no default value:

Select Define Permissions tab of the FU_CMFDocumentClass ZClass
Change the permission for Create class instance to Add portal Content

Select my wwwPortal, then portal_types, then the Contents tab.
Select Factory-based Type Information from Add list
Enter an id: I used FU_Document and left None for default type information.

Click on the new content type FU_Document to modify it's properties

   Title                   FU Document
   Description:            Left blank
   Meta type:              FU_CMFDocument (must be same as metatype defined for
the zclass)
   Icon:                   Left blank
   Product name:           FU_CMFDocument  (must be same as product name where
zclass resides)
   Factory method          left blank ... not sure if it will inherit from
CMFDocument  (later I also tried putting in addDocument here which is what
CMFDocument has, and I figured if I don't have one defined, it will inherit
CMFDocument's. Is that a wrong assumption?)
   Initial view name       left blank ... not sure if it will inherit from
CMFDocument  (later I also tried putting in metadata_edit_form  here which is what
CMFDocument has, and I figured if I don't have one defined, it will inherit
CMFDocument's. Is that a wrong assumption?)
   Filter content types?
   Allowed content types
   Allow Discussion?

Wasn't sure if needed to define actions since it might inherit from CMFDocument,
so I didn't.
But when I go to my portal and choose New to add content, my FU Document doesn't
appear as a choice.
So I went to try to define Actions and started by entering:

  Name        View
  Id          view
  Action      document_view
  Permission  View
  Category    object
  Visible?    checked

But when I hit Add I got:

  Zope Error
  Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

  Error Type: ValueError
  Error Value: invalid literal for int(): on

Traceback (innermost last):
line 223, in publish_module
line 187, in publish
  File /opt/WWW/ZopeInstallation/Zope_software_home/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py,
line 226, in zpublisher_exception_hook
    (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
line 171, in publish
/opt/WWW/ZopeInstallation/Zope_software_home/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line
160, in mapply
    (Object: addAction)
line 112, in call_object
    (Object: addAction)
  File /opt/WWW/ZopeInstallation/InstanceHome/Products/CMFCore/TypesTool.py, line
321, in addAction
    (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
ValueError: (see above)

So that's where I've left it.
