[Zope-CMF] Adding new portal doc to memberfolder when new member joins
Gitte Wange
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 13:28:52 +0200
On Monday 20 August 2001 13:25, you wrote:
> Hi Gitte,
> I am not sure if you ware succesfull in implementing this, but here is my
> hack, which seems to work;^)
> In the CMFDefault/MembershipTool.py, you can add the following:
> default_member_profile = '''Default profile page for %s
> This is the default summary page created for you when
> you joined this community
> Please use this page to give an overview of your company
> by just selecting the "Edit" in the Tool Box on the left.
> '''
> ....
> # Create Member's profile page.
> # default_member_content ought to be configurable per
> # instance of MembershipTool.
> Document.addDocument( f
> , 'profile_html'
> , member_id+"'s Profile"
> , member_id+"'s Profile Page"
> , "structured-text"
> , (default_member_profile % id)
> )
> f.profile_html._setPortalTypeName( 'Document' )
> # Overcome an apparent catalog bug.
> f.profile_html.reindexObject()
> You must restart the server for this to take effect, now if you add a new
> member, it will create a profile_html page in the member's folder.
> Norman
Hi Norman
I just discovered the above code today so now I know where to change it.
It is okay that the file is named index_html .. the users is just not
supposed to change the content of the page.
I will look at it more closely when our website is uo and running - we have
made a different hack for the current version.
Gitte Wange