[Zope-CMF] Re: How-To: Automatically Add Objects at CMF
Member Creation Time
Grégoire Weber
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 11:07:04 +0200
Hi Norman,
> 2001-08-21T01:13:12 ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for
> '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00|B'
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File /usr/home/dsuk5/zope/2.4.0/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py, line 544,
> in setstate
> SystemError: Failed to import class _ZClass_for_DefaultDublinCoreImpl from
> module Products.CMFDefault
Hm, here I can't help!
Errors in 'createMemberarea' normaly get generated upon the first time
somebody joins your portal and not upon Zope startup.
If the above problem persists you probably have changed some of the code
you didn't want. If it is the case install the CMF another time to be sure
to have an unaltered code base.
> So, reinstalling the original MemebrshipTool.py and adding the file=
> to the CMFDefaultHotfix __init__.py, which is listed below.
> Thinking this will overide the existing index_html creation and pull in=
> file I have created in the CMFDefaultHotfix/dtml/index_html.dtml
> but it does not, this brings the original index_html file created by the
> MembershipTool.py, what am I doing wrong?
I tested the code I sent to you and it works after some small corrections
indicated by ###:
""" Hotfix with altered createMemberarea
import os
import Globals
from Products.CMFDefault.MembershipTool import MembershipTool
from Products.CMFDefault import Image, Document ### added Document import
# get the path of the Products folder
product_path = os.path.join(Globals.package_home(globals()))
def createMemberarea(self, member_id):
create a member area
parent = self.aq_inner.aq_parent
members = getattr(parent, 'Members', None)
if members is not None and not hasattr(members, member_id):
f=getattr(members, member_id)
# Grant ownership to Member
acl_users = self.acl_users
if not hasattr(acl_users, 'getUsers'):
# This hack works around the absence of getUsers() in
# Gets the PersistentUserSource object that stores our users
for us in acl_users.UserSourcesGroup.objectValues():
if us.meta_type == 'Persistent User Source':
acl_users = us.__of__(acl_users)
user = acl_users.getUser(member_id).__of__(acl_users)
f.manage_setLocalRoles(member_id, ['Owner'])
# ----- begin object instanations -----
# Create default logo: open and read 'earthsmile.gif' in
fileobj = open(os.path.join(product_path, 'img', 'earthsmile.gif'),
filedata = fileobj.read()
# instanate a Image with the name 'org_logo'
title = '%s Home' % member_id,
file = filedata,
format = 'image/gif')
# give the image the correct portal type
ob = f._getOb( 'org_logo' )
if hasattr(ob, '_setPortalTypeName'):
# Overcome an apparent catalog bug.
# Create index_html: open and read 'index_html.dtml' from
fileobj = open(os.path.join(product_path, 'dtml',
'index_html.dtml'), 'r')
filedata = fileobj.read()
# Create Member's home page.
# default_member_content ought to be configurable per
# instance of MembershipTool.
Document.addDocument( f
, 'index_html'
, member_id+"'s Home"
, member_id+"'s front page"
, "html"
, (filedata % member_id) ### changed id to
# give the image the correct portal type
ob = f._getOb( 'index_html' ) ### there was org_log instead of
if hasattr(ob, '_setPortalTypeName'):
# Overcome an apparent catalog bug.
# ----- end object instanations -----
MembershipTool.createMemberarea = createMemberarea
The index_html.dtml file:
<h1>Congratulations %s!</h1>
<p>You've successfully joined blabla ...</p>
<img src="org_logo" />
Grégoire Weber
Rigistr. 31
CH-8006 Zürich
phone: +41-(0)1-361 66 11
mobile: +41-(0)79-44 11 457