[Zope-CMF] Custom Membership Database
Jens Vagelpohl
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 07:39:43 -0400
the membership mechanisms in the CMF rely on a functioning user folder to
authenticate users. that means you must first get a userfolder that works
with your user database.
On Thursday, August 23, 2001, at 05:19 , HoYin Au wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a forum userdatabase (structured similarly to Ultimate BB - one
> user per text file) that I'd like to extend so that users from the forum
> can participate on several sites based on CMF (currently in
> development)... I see that one can write customized user interface
> routines with exUserFolder, but then also see that CMF's got its own
> Membership Tool interface... what is the best way to make this all work?
> -Hoyin