[Zope-CMF] DCWorkflow Question

Ulrich Eck ueck@net-labs.de
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 14:46:00 +0200

Hi Shane,

I dived deep into DCWorkflow .. and the more I use it, the more i like it :)) 

after all source reading i have one question:

How can I modify Workflow-Variables from a Script that is executed through a
Transition ????

I have some Workflow-Variables defined, that are mapped to the Namespace
of the Script that I assigned for the Transistion, but they are read-only 
(NamespaceAccessor doesn't allow updates)
I cannot assign any workflow-relevant vars except "new_state" ..

do you have a hint, how to get around this ??

I want to set a WorkflowVariable depending on the transistion that is
actually made.

thanks for your help
Ulrich Eck

here the interesting source-part:
    def _executeTransition(self, ob, tdef=None, kwargs=None):
        Private method.
        Puts object in a new state.
        moved = 0
        if tdef is None:
            state = self.initial_state
            former_status = {}
            action = ''
            state = tdef.new_state_id
            if not state:
                # Stay in same state.
                state = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob, 1)
            former_status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
            action = tdef.id
            # Execute a script if specified.
            if tdef.script_name:
                script = self.scripts[tdef.script_name]
                # Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.

######## Definition of the Namespace for the script
                md = exprNamespace(ob, self, former_status,
                                   action, state, kwargs)
                accessor = NamespaceAccessor(md)

######### HERE THE SCRIPT gets executed with exprNamespace (see lines above)
                    script(accessor)  # May throw an exception.
                except ObjectMoved, ex:
                    ob = ex.getNewObject()
                    moved = 1
        sdef = self.states.get(state, None)
        if sdef is None:
            raise WorkflowException, 'Destination state undefined: ' + state
        # Update variables.
        state_values = sdef.var_values
        if state_values is None: state_values = {}
        tdef_exprs = None
        if tdef is not None: tdef_exprs = tdef.var_exprs
        if tdef_exprs is None: tdef_exprs = {}
        status = {}

####### Here the variables get calculated
        for id, vdef in self.variables.items():
            if not vdef.for_status:
            if state_values.has_key(id):
                value = state_values[id]
            elif tdef_exprs.has_key(id):
                md = exprNamespace(ob, self, former_status,
                                   action, state, kwargs)
                value = tdef_exprs[id](md)
            elif vdef.default_expr is not None:
                md = exprNamespace(ob, self, former_status,
                                   action, state, kwargs)
                value = vdef.default_expr(md)
                value = vdef.default_value
            status[id] = value
        # Update state.
        status[self.state_var] = state
        tool = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
        tool.setStatusOf(self.id, ob, status)
        # Update role to permission assignments.

        if moved:
            # Re-raise.
            raise ObjectMoved(ob)
            return sdef