[Zope-CMF] Thumbnail Galleries in CMF
Erik Lange
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 23:03:38 +0200
Hi Nat,
Greetings from a fellow "non-programmer" who have Zeen the light :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-cmf-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-cmf-admin@zope.org]On Behalf
> Of Nat Harari
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 7:59 PM
> To: zope-cmf@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope-CMF] Thumbnail Galleries in CMF
> Okay...
> Having taken a look at Blark, I now find that this problem is
> solved for the moment (though I'm having a reply problem to articles,
> but I can try working that out or posting another email as a
> seperate topic). Thank you all for the help. :) I still, however,
> haven't had anyone tell me about a swishdot list or the like. :)
> *hint..hint*
> Now, As I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm trying to make a
> high end 3D portal for us 3D graphic artists (who use Maya, XSI,
> Lightwave, Houdini, and the like). Anyway, I want to include not
> only free web space where members can upload pictures to their own
> galleries that people can browse, but also have featured newest
> pictures placed on the front of the CMF portal site, automatically
> with a thumbnail and link, etc... Is there a way to do this in
> CMF? Any packages out there? I checked out the Zope Zoo tutorial but
> I wouldn't really know how to code that up in a CMF environment.
> I'm also looking for something that is pretty automatic, giving
> users a chance to build their own public accessible pages with a
> few clicks, and giving me the chance to publish pics on the front
> so as to feature new pictures, articles, etc...
> Anything I can do to make this possible and fairly easy?
Have you seen the Photo and Photo Folder Product:
I think that what you want can be done with a slightly twisted version of
this product and the CMF:
1. Register Photo-objects and Photo-folders as new portal-types in the CMF.
2. Create a Photo-folder for each portal-member at member creation (creation
of "default-content" was heavily discussed last week, visit the mail-archive
for help on this)
3. Use the CMF-syndication tool, to set up syndication from members folders
to portal-frontpage.
Question: would this not be the "Zopish-way" of doing this, or have I
misunderstood the CMF / Syndication ideology ?
> Thanks again for the Blark/Swishdot/Squishdot info. Blark *does*
> look cool. I'll check it out more at work.
> Oh..and btw, not only pictures, but .avi and .mov files would be
> nice as many of us are animators, and that would be really cool to
> show off our animation skills to the world.
Being an old broadcast VT-editor from the era of analog videotape-editing, I
have since "the dawn of the ages" (1995) worked with streaming media on the
Internet and have always been missing some sort of online editing- and
distribution-tools equivalent to the ones I know from the
Tired of waiting, I therefor founded MMManager.org this spring, to develop
the production-, management, and distribution-tools that I believe 99% of
all publishers of mediabased content on datanetworks (which at the moment
primaraly is the Internet) is still missing today.
Of course (!) we have build our system as product-components to the Zope
CMF, which has given us the basic workflow-tools and metadata-schemes we
need to manage mediadata-metadata. (Zope Zimply_ruleZ as Object Publishing
Enviroment - and Dublin Core is the joker in the game of future CMS).
We have just last week released a new version of our main-product "My Media
Manager", which now includes a sample-site of a live and on-demand streaming
media web tv-station.
You can customize our product and sample-site to use either RealMedia,
WindowsMedia, QT or all three in any combination, and allow your members to
both webcast live and/or make their own on-demand media archives. Members
can edit their masterfiles into clips and assemble various clips from
different masterfiles into new sequenses, or "shows", which are finally
presented in a auto-generated web-cinema for the end-users.
BTW: Should you (or anybody else) be interested, we have now also included
the basic buildingstones for making Pay-per-view services, where your
community-members subscribes to access to the content or buys access to
certain content-selections from case to case. We are using ODRL.org's
DRM-langauge for formatting the XML in our licenses for pay-per-view, since
the Dublin Core dosn't cover digital rights management.
See http://www.odrl.net for details on Open Digital Rights Langauge.
The licenses we're issueing for pay-per-view access, could for that sake be
for any type of content in the CMF (documents, pictures, download of
MP3-files(!) or whatever) - and could be used to news-subscribtion on
textbased sites and much more...
Question: Are there anybody else out there working with digital rights
management and the CMF ? If yes: What are you using as DRML - and, are there
any plans from Z.corp (DC) to implement this in the CMF (/Zope) ??
Take a look at: http://www.mmmanager.org
Check it out and don't hesitate to send us your questions or suggestions to
(Our documentation still needs a lot of work... sorry - we're working on
it - meanwhile please feel free to mail-bomb us with all your questions)
> Note: There already are a few sites that do this, like
> highend3d.com and renderosity.com, but nothing like what I'm envisioning.
> I've already got the artists waiting for me to get the site up
> with their own content, because they like my vision of what is
> missing in the high end 3D world. :)
We're at the moment looking for beta-testers and sites with mediabased
content - you seems to qualify as such :-)
I would like to hear about "your vision" and maybe submit some of it as one
or several "feature request" to our project ;-)
Erik Lange
> Thanks again,
> Newbie Nat. :)
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