[Zope-PTK] Tools
Lucas Hofman
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 10:30:22 +0100
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Lucas Hofman wrote:
> >
> > Can someone help me understand how to use the tools which have appeared
> > in the New Architecture PTK. I wonder about the following:
> > 1. How to change the catalog (metadata and indexes) so that when a new
> > portal is instanciated these changes are in place.
> What do you mean? Are you talking about creating a lot of portals?
When you are developing any application 'for real' one often wants to do
the equivalent of a 'clean install'. With a portal that means with the
logic and the presentation but without content. That the final product
will only be installed once does not change this.
The presentation can be copied to the interfaces folder and chosen when
instantiating a portal (it does make importing a new demoportal.zexp
more tricky). The rest can of course be modified in PTKDemo and PTKBase,
but that will clash with upgrades.
>... Or you can write a product that subclasses portal tools or
> even ignores the standard base classes while implementing all the
> required methods.
Do you have an example on how to do this? I find it difficult to see the
whole picture.
Lucas Hofman
PGS Seres tel: +47 67514059
PO Box 354 fax: +47 67526640
N-1324 Lysaker, Norway