[Zope-PTK] How skins work
Kent Polk
20 Jan 2001 18:16:52 GMT
On 19 Jan 2001 09:35:01 -0600, Tres Seaver wrote:
>On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Michael Bernstein wrote:
>> Can you point to any of these sites, so we can get a broader
>> view of how the PTK can be customized?
>don't like very well) phase on several others (now that I think
>on it, the are mostly "intranet" sites as well. Hmm... maybe that
>is just where the consulting money is?)
I run across these sorts of intranet opportunities on a regular
basis and they have keep me employed for the last 6 years, and even
in a large, technology-challenged city :^)
I've used Principia/Zope for 8 of the last 11 sites I've built,
but I've passed over a number of others which were far more
interesting, mainly because they required workflow concepts on a
requirements/time scale that I knew I wasn't ready to tackle. I
was hired to my current full-time job for the express purpose of
building a web-based workflow and information management intranet
for scientific data because there really was nothing out there that
could accomplish what was needed (have to wrap many ancient Fortran/C
black boxes into the workflow). We have most of the major black-box
wrapping issues dealt with and are getting suspiciously close to
starting on the workflow management code. I already have chunks of
the workflow data processing running in isolation with Zope/xmlrpc.
Looking forward to discussing the new workflow :^). BTW, is anyone
working on SAX/DOM based parser for xmlrpc with Zope for faster
data transfer?
I think you guys are heading in the right direction with the new
PTK (especially with the new workflow concepts). Pls keep it up.