[Zope-CMF] MetaType in TypeInformation objects
Chris Withers
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 14:24:09 +0100 (BST)
Quoting Tres Seaver <tseaver@palladion.com>:
> The metatype is there for times when we need to know the true metatype
> (e.g., when building lists for the "Find" tab of the catalog; when
> filtering 'objectValues', etc.)
Yeah, I kindof figured this after being bitten quite hard when I set the value
in that box to something else and couldn't figure out why none of my content
was showing up in Folder views :-S
Okay, I can understand why ScriptableTypeInfo objects needs this (even though
it is a bit clunky...), but why can't FTI's just inspect the product they know
they're going to use to create the object?