[Zope-CMF] Re: Documentation / audiences (was Boring CMF Product)
Erik Enge
16 Jul 2001 11:31:30 +0200
[seb bacon]
| So my point is, at whom should the documentation be addressed?
I spent about three days grokking CMF. I would've liked to grokked it
in half an hour. With a Boring Product and an accompanying How-To
that would've been possible. Ok, maybe not half an hour, but at least
not a full days effort. (Maybe I'm slow, I don't know :)
So, speaking from my own perspective: the documentation I write will
be addressed to people in my situation; PPD's.
| And just one other quick point: did anyone say what was wrong with
| building on CMFCalendar as an example product?
The problem, if there is one, as I see it is that CMFCalendar is
intended to be integrated into a bigger workflow. It has a mission in
CMFDefault. To understand CMFCalendar it is important to understand
how it is intended to be used, so you know what all the stach is there
A Boring Product shouldn't do the world any good, whatsoever, besides
exposing the interfaces to a developer.
The most important thing the CMFCalendar is lacking, though, is an
accompanying How-To, explaining (sometimes implicit intricacies) of
the interfaces available. From a PPD's point-of-view, that's what I
feel the CMF is missing.