[Zope-CMF] Set a member property outside out the personalize form
Gitte Wange
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 20:40:01 +0200
I need to set a member property outside of the personalize_form.
I have tried with this code:
<dtml-call "portal_registration.setProperties(guid)">
the guid argument contains a string
What is wrong then ??
The member property is there and is also called guid
Gitte Wange Jensen
Sys Admin, Developer and a lot more
MMmanager.org Aps, Denmark
Phone: +45 29 72 79 72
Email: gitte@mmmanager.org
Web: www.mmmanager.org
Quote of the day:
I picture a lump of inanimate flesh (a result from a relational database
being infused with the spark of life (object behavior, aka class).
- Jim Fulton on the term "pluggable brains", 5 Jul 1999