[Zope-CMF] Re: How to use already existing products with CMF?
Amr Malik
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 05:47:12 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks so much for your reply! I am looking to do something generally
similar to your site (a community site). The main "content" if you will,
is going to be the directory of links to resources. I was thinking of using
YiHaw if possible so that I might get a headstart, but feared what you have
described in your message: the headaches of integrating these modules into
The best way to go would be to use the CMF itself, its just that I'm not
sure where to start customizing it. Thanks to the ZWACK CH5, I know how to
create a simple skin and probably a type. The Portal Poll product was
instructive as well, but there is a lot of pieces missing for me in this puzzle
that I need to figure out :( . Your site looks great! Would it be possible
for you to share the customizations you did or the new stuff you implemented
(yihaw like functionality for example) I'm not looking for code or
implementation details, just an overview of the process you went thru (starting
from stock CMF) to get there!
--- Norbert Marrale <norbert@infocatch.com> wrote:
> Amr:
> I would try to avoid mix-n-matching products if the CMF provides a
> reasonable substitute. When I first came across CMF (PTK) in
> December of last year, I had already started with the conversion of a
> static site to Yihaw. My first idea was to use CMF for memberhip
> related things, and to let YIHAW deal with various sorts of document
> types. Squishdot would then provide the bulletin board functionality.
> The hardest part is to integrate these products and to make them aware
> of eachother. I tried this at first, but quickly realized that customizing
> CMF to suit my specific needs would be much easier. I ended up
> throwing away my earlier version and I haven't regretted doing this for a
> second. You don't want to end up maintaining different sets of tools,
> each having different methods and interfaces.
> Look at the prototype at http://www.attira.net to see how this worked
> out for me. I'll be glad to share any customizations if this type of site is
> what you're looking to roll out.
> Norbert
> --__--__--
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