[Zope-CMF] Using CMF without portal like features
Tres Seaver
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 22:30:41 -0400
Lynn Walton wrote:
> Can anyone give me some pointers on how to make use of CMF for a site
> where for now I don't to get into a portal like look with membership,
> etc.
> I want the main zope root itself to be able to use the CMF Document
> type, etc, and be skinned using ZPT,
The "main zope root" can't (at the moment) be skinned; the skinning
mechanism requires using a subobject. CMFSite objects *can* be skinned
using ZPT.
> but I don't want stuff to end up in a member's folder,
Content needn't be created in a member folder; members can create
content anywhere they have the 'Add portal content' permission.
> or for the pages to have the typical portal action_box
You should be able to suppress the 'action_box' just by removing it
from 'statndard_html_header'.
> or login option.
If they can't log in, how do you plan to allow them access?
You could move the login link up into the 'standard_top_bar', for
> I want users who have been given access
> using the usual ZMI user folders to be able to create CMF Documents in
> our various subdirectories under the zope site root.
Again, they can create content anywhere they have the appropriate
permission. The stock CMF uses a standard Zope user folder, BTW.
> I've seen very little beginner info that starts with using the different
> types of CMF content types, despite having search through the docs and
> exploring numerous times.
You are going to have to customize more skins, if you don't like the
current layout.
> I believe that many other web developer's are
> going to have this same need to have some sites that aren't portal
> oriented for end users, but that still take advantage of the CMF
> framework for either workflow or separation of presentation and content
> or both. So, I'd sure like to see some good tutorial docs geared toward
> that.
Could be you would write one?
> Also, can PageTemplates macro's and tal expressions be used inside a CMF
> document? Or can they only be used in a PageTemplate document?
Nope; like DTML, TAL and METAL are *code*, not content; CMFDocuments
are *never* supposed to contain code. If you find yourself thinking,
"TAL would help here", then you are no longer doing "pure" content
authoring; you have slipped on the page designer hat.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com