[Zope-CMF] Topics question

Norman Khine norman@khine.net
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 17:14:41 +0100

I am intrested to know if it is possible to create topics or sub-topicts
links to documents. What I mean is, for example, say we had Top level topic
Fruits, Vegetables and then under fruits we have Apples and Citrus and
Mashrooms and Patotoes respectively, so that we get something like this:

|  |
|  +--[Apples]
|  |  |
|  |  +-- Granny Smith
|  |  +-- Red Delicious
|  |  +-- Rome Beauty
|  |  +-- Apple Chips
|  |
|  +--[Citrus]
|  |  |
|  |  +-- Orange
|  |  +-- Lemons
|  |  +-- Grapefruit
|  |
|  +-- [Mushrooms]
|  |   |
|  |   +-- Truffles
|  |   +-- Shiitake
|  |   +-- Enoki
|  |
|  +-- [Potatoes]
|  |   |
|  |   +-- Sweet Potatoes
|  |   +-- White Rose
|  |   +-- Russet
|  |   +-- Potatoe Chips

Now say that we have a document item that has content in respect to both
Fruits and Vegetables or maybe just to do with Oranges and Sweet Potatoes,
or with Vegetables and Lemons -- is it possible to link one content_type to
a number of Topics / sub-topics or Topics and sub-topics?! If so how can
this be developed?

This will be usefull for example when say we have a Manufacturer who
produces a number of products, these products fall within a number of
groups, so that the manufacturer will only have one index_html page with
contact details but this is linked to a number of topics and sub-topics.

Maybe we could create a link to the metadata form which lists all topics,
subtopics etc (depending on how many layers there are) like in the squishdot
apps, where the user can choose the topic that the news item belongs to.

Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated.



z/^^^^^^^^/z/******\zz|*^^^^|*|z|*|^^^^^|z norman khine
zzzzzz/**/z|**/^^\**|z|*|zzz|*|z|*|zzzzzzz mailto:norman@khine.net
zzzzz/**/zz|*|zzzz|*|z|****/*/zz|*****|zzz purley
z/******/zz|*|zzzz|*|z|*|^^zzzzz|*|^^^|zzz UK