[Zope-CMF] Proposal: Additional member properties to allow anonymous view
of the member roster
Grégoire Weber
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 13:39:54 +0200
For a demonstration I am customizing the CMF and I like to list
the members (in my case: organisations) at the portals front page
to allow fast access to the organisations sub front pages.
To allow this I made the following temporary changes (se code
snippets below):
1) I declared public the getRoster() method in MembershipTool.py
2) I commented out the isManager check
3) I called getHomeUrl with verifyPermission=0 instead of 1
As you probably understand I don't realy like
this kind of solution :-( !
So I propose to ..
... add the possibility to let the Manager decide which of the
Members would be visible in a anonymously viewed roster. Every member
could decide oon its own if it likes to be set to the anonymously
viewable roster or not.
For this there is a need for two additional member properties *):
- allows_anon_listing: The member allows to be listed anonymously
- anon_listed: allows the manager to turn on/off anonymous listing
Possibly we need another flag indicating a change in
'allows_anon_listing' to allow the Manager to check for changes.
Can somebody point me out the places in the code where I have to do
the necessary changes? I would contribute the changes back to the
Please reply to the list and to me directly. I only read the zope-cmf
digests once a day.
*) You probably find better names than I as native german speaking person!
-------------------------- python code snippet out of MembershipTool.py
#!! security.declareProtected( CMFCorePermissions.ListPortalMembers,
'getRoster' )
security.declarePublic( CMFCorePermissions.ListPortalMembers,
'getRoster' )
def getRoster(self):
Return a list of mappings corresponding to those users who have
made themselves "listed". If Manager, return a list of all
usernames. The mapping contains the id and listed variables.
isManager = _checkPermission('Manage portal', self)
roster = []
for member in self.listMembers():
#!! if isManager or member.listed:
return roster
------------------------------------------------------ DTML code snippet
<dtml-comment>Code to list all members</dtml-comment>
<dtml-let roster="portal_membership.getRoster()">
<dtml-in roster mapping orphan=1 start=qs>
<dtml-let homeUrl="portal_membership.getHomeUrl(id, verifyPermission=0)">
<dtml-if homeUrl><a href="&dtml-homeUrl;">&dtml-id;</a>
<dtml-unless sequence-end>, </dtml-unless>
Grégoire Weber