[Zope-CMF] Re: content folder empty
seb bacon
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 19:12:39 +0100
I just tried running my site on a win2k box, and had exactly the same
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> >
> > I have a strange thing going on with the CMF 1.1
> >
> > If I creat a CMF site everything seems to be ok. But if I look into the
> > content folder (of the skins) it is empty. So If I try to add something to
> > the site I get a error it can't find the file.
> >
> > Has anyone else had this problem or is there anyone out there who can help
> > me?
> I think that some object in the directory is causing its load to blow out
> with an unhandled exception; I saw behavior like this while debugging a
> problem with PythonScripts on Windows, where the filesystem copy had
> embedded
> CR's.
That sounds about right. The Product I was using was copied straight
from my Linux box across Samba.
> Please verify that your set matches up. Also, please run your Zope
> with STUPID_LOG_FILE enabled, and look for initialization-time tracebacks
> in the log.
I've gotta go home now, but I'll try this tomorrow; how do you set