[Zope-CMF] Configuring Metadata Tool (was "There is no...")
Norman Khine
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:11:48 +0100
I am getting the same, if I log in as normal in to the dogbowl and then do a
search for "metadata", this will bring me the results. And then if I go and
view any of these my settings are change to a Guest.
As though the apps forgets that you already logged in.
-----Original Message-----
From: zope-cmf-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-cmf-admin@zope.org]On Behalf
Of David Brown
Sent: 07 June 2001 07:25
To: Tres Seaver
Cc: Zope-CMF
Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] Configuring Metadata Tool (was "There is no...")
At 08:35 AM 6/6/2001 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
>I've created a how-to with this information, and a more detailed
>recipe for implementing these policies, at:
> http://cmf.zope.org/Members/tseaver/how_tos/configuring_metadata_tool
Interestingly enough, if I go to that URL while I'm logged in to the
DogBowl, I get prompted (using basic auth) for a username and password. If
I'm NOT logged in to the DogBowl, the document displays correctly.
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