[Zope-CMF] Skin naming and release recommendations
Tres Seaver
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:50:12 -0400
Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> I've put together a useful skin for navigating knowledge bases
> which I'd like to release but I'm not sure what to name it.
> Some ideas are ExplorerSkin, BrowseSkin and ContentsSkin.
> Some questions:
> 1. What's the easiest way to find a list of existing skins so
> that my name fits in with others, e.g. doesn't match an
> existing one?
> 2. Should I release it on www.zope.org as a Software Product
> so that others can find it? cmf.zope.org currently lacks
> the same sort of support wrt add-ons.
I've just added two new topics, 'skins' and 'products', to the
'/download' folder on the dogbowl. Please either upload your
skin to the dogbowl, and tag it with the Subject, 'skins', or
else upload to Zope.org, and then create a news item or link
on the dogbowl with that same Subject.