[Zope-CMF] CMF-Wiki
Jeff Sasmor
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:12:08 -0400
Just re-upped my CMF CVS today and
noticed that wiki was included. Cool!
Saw this note, though:
One important note for use with Zope pre v2.4. CMFWiki was developed
for that version, and depends on a new feature where every
authenticated user intrinsically has the 'Authenticated' role. In
order for the non-anonymous regulation category to work with pre-2.4
Zope, all your users have to have this additional role added. (If
someone were to contribute a hotfix to make this automatic, we might
include it with the CMFWiki product.)
I recall seeing something on this list about not trying to use 2.4 with
CMF yet, so, for those who want to play and didn't figure this out on their
own, here is what I did.
1. In the Zope root folder, click the Security tab and add a 'User Defined
Role' of
'Authenticated' (quotes not needed, of course).
2. For the user(s) (probably in the acl_users in the Zope root folder) who
the portal and/or added the Wiki skins, add the Authenticated role to
their roles in
the appropriate acl_users folder (probably the one in the Zope root).
3. Add this patch to CMFCore/MembershipTool.py at the beginning of
(line 393).
roles_list = list(roles)
roles = tuple(roles_list)
4. Restart Zope and away you go!
This is probably not a candidate to be included in the code permanently,
since it doesn't
check for that role's existence (?what happens if you didn't add
'Authenticated' first?). It probably belongs
somewhat higher up in the food chain than I placed it. But it suffices for
just poking around
with Wiki. Note that a CVS-update will wipe this out.
Jeff Sasmor