[Zope-CMF] WYSIWYG HTML document edit form
Bjorn Stabell
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:07:26 +0800
That's really cool. :)
Some feature requests:
- make it easy to replace any textarea with the WYSIWYG IE DHTML Editor;
the body of documents is just on application area
- like you said, make it possible to add a controlled set of css
classes; we use CSS classes to make sidebars of differents sorts, make
standard looking content-tables, and other typography niceities. In a
way, we're creating new specialized tags (with a CSS class) from
existing tags; I think that is pretty common - use CSS while waiting for
wide-spread XML
- saving while in code view makes the content garbled (tags get quoted)
Great work!
Bjorn Stabell <bjorn@exoweb.net>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Edwards [mailto:jon@pcgs.freeserve.co.uk]
> Posted At: Monday, June 18, 2001 03:19
> Posted To: Zope CMF
> Conversation: [Zope-CMF] WYSIWYG HTML document edit form
> Subject: [Zope-CMF] WYSIWYG HTML document edit form
> With all the recent talk of structured text, us old-fashioned=20
> HTML users may
> be feeling a bit left-out! ;-)
> So I uploaded my WYSIWYG Javascript HTML editor thingy,=20
> incorporated into
> the standard CMF document_edit_form -
> http://cmf.zope.org/Members/joned/htmldocedit/view
> It's a zexp, so to try it out, just import it into portal_skins/custom
> folder (make sure its name is document_edit_form), along with=20
> the toolbar
> image (also a zexp, which should create an image called toolbar) -
> http://cmf.zope.org/Members/joned/toolbar/view
> Comments and feedback welcome! I'd like to develop it=20
> further. For example,
> the select boxes for colours, sizes, styles and fonts could=20
> be set to only
> show values that are in the default_stylesheet (or whatever stylesheet
> you're using). Any ideas on the best way to do this? I=20
> thought of using
> ZStylesheets to replace the normal stylesheet (so the select=20
> boxes could
> just iterate through the values in the Zstylesheet).
> Alternatively, I thought of creating a "Site StyleGuide" -=20
> the managing
> editor of a site would be able to create a list of allowed=20
> colours, fonts,
> sizes, etc. and anyone editing layouts or documents anywhere=20
> in the site
> would only be able to pick from this list of allowed values.=20
> Does that make
> sense?
> Also, perhaps the button for adding links could have an=20
> option for showing a
> list of internal links (pages within the same site), to make=20
> it easy to find
> them without having two browser windows open?
> Cheers, Jon
> P.S. I've just submitted em both for publication, so if you=20
> can't access
> them right away, try a little later (assuming anyone else is=20
> working on a
> Sunday evening!)
> _______________________________________________
> Zope-CMF maillist - Zope-CMF@zope.org
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-cmf
> See http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker for bug reports=20
> and feature requests