[Zope-CMF] Trying to list portal topics - but finds nothing

Gitte Wange gitte@mmmanager.org
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:49:01 +0200

> Topics, like folders, aren't "content", so they don't get
> catalogued (by default).  Try using the "Find" tab of the
> 'portal_catalog' (ZMI) to find topics, and then repeat your
> query;  they will show up.

Okay - now I don't know if this is the way topics should behave, but when I 
go to the 'Find Objects' tab in the portal_catalog folder and query for all 
object of the type Portal Topic, it finds all documents that fit the "topics".
But it doesn't find any Topic objects.
I tried to do the query about 5 times, but the topics still isn't showing up.

> > Isn't there anyway to:
> >
> > a) list portal topics in the menu
> You could tweak the skin methods used to edit the topic
> properties to get the topic indexed when the properties are set;
> your query will then work.

I looked at the portal_edit method in the portal skin folder but this one is 
only generating the html code to display the edit form with.
Then I tried to look for the method that "saves" the data, but is doesn't 
look to be a part of the skins folder.
Any good ideas on where I should look ?

> > b) for each portal topic generate a list of all the docs etc.
> >    in the topic
> The topic objects have a 'queryCatalog' method which does that
> for you.

I looked at the method and it's looks like it does the job :-)
But how do I call it ?

I tried a guess with Topic.queryMethod() (because the class is named Topic) 
but get's a NameError.
So should it be an id of a topic I call it with ???

Gitte Wange Jensen

Sys Admin, Developer and a lot more
MMmanager.org Aps, Denmark

Phone: +45 29 72 79 72
Email: gitte@mmmanager.org
Web: www.mmmanager.org

Quote of the day:
If I understood the GNU make syntax correctly (which is possibly
not the case - GNU make is possibly the only example of "overkill"
to rival GNU emacs), this looks like a reasonable idea.

	- Linus Torvalds