[Zope-CMF] translation of CMF 1.1. Request for comments
Jens Quade
21 Jun 2001 20:28:12 +0200
"Robert Rottermann redCOR AG" <robert@redcor.ch> writes:
> Before we start, I would hear the opinion of the community. So please tell
> me asap if there is a compelling reason not to do it this way.
In my first aproach, I did translations into a "de" skin with subfolders,
as file-based product (to make updates easier).
Then I just defined skins (lists of folders...) in different languages.
This scheme may make it easier to provide multiple translations from
different sources, than a single-file approach.
A phrase-to-phrase translation effort would heavily depend on integration
into the main CMF distribution. I dont this will happen before the
translation mechanism is part of the Zope distribution.