[Zope-CMF] Does portal_catalog have a getobject method ?
Kent Polk
26 Jun 2001 17:13:54 GMT
On 25 Jun 2001 04:25:00 -0500, Chris Withers wrote:
> Kent Polk wrote:
>> The reason I thought it ought to be portal_catalog.getobject() was
>> to take advantage of the cmf security wrapping provided by
>> CMFCore/interfaces/portal_catalog.py
>> Do the brains provide for this in the same way?
> The security wrapping happens before this stage, so yes, the brains have the
> same effect. Although you may want to clairfy what the desired effect is...
But why not have a consistent, easily discovered interface?
portal_catalog already has:
All which inherit security assertions from ZCatalog.
Zope is muddled enough with hard-to-discover mechanisms. Why not
add four little lines to make life easier by making this more
discoverable and consistent?
# getobject inherits security assertions from ZCatalog.
def getobject(self, data_record_id_):
'''Calls ZCatalog.getobject().