[Zope-CMF] how to add a new RegistrationTool ?
seb bacon
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 17:04:41 +0100
Here's what I do: create a new Module called MyCMF, subclass
stuff from CMFCore of CMFDefault therein, copy __init__.py and
Portal.py and edit them so they add a mixture of CMFDefault objects
and my own objects.
A quicker but less clean way of doing it is simply to make a copy of
CMFDefault and edit the classes directly.
* Robert Rottermann <robert@redcor.ch> [010628 02:02]:
> Hi there,
> I would like to override the default behaviour of the RegistrationTool. Actually I would like it to send the message it creates with userid and password to the portal administrator instead sending it to the user directly.
> Now if I want to create a new class with a different behaviour where would I put it so it is called by CMF instead of the original one?
> thanks for any insigth
> Robert