[Zope-CMF] RE: [Zope-CMF]CMF Weekly News 4
Jon Edwards
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 23:34:44 +0100
> Just a reminder. Maybe you decided against it ?
Nope, no excuses, I just plain forgot!
...and of course, now it's published I can't get the stx, without retracting
it, so all I can do is copy the text! D'oh!
ahhh well, you can't access the web anyway, so I guess the links wouldn't
have been much use! ;-)
Cheers, Jon
This week, there were 195 posts, made by 57 people (35% of which were posted
by 5% of the people).
How to achieve World Domination in 3 Easy Steps
Step 1 - Interoperability - There was some discussion about interoperability
with other CMSes. Easing the pain of migrating between competing systems and
the CMF could be a clear winner. However, perhaps a prerequisite of
interoperability with the Big Playaz (Vignette, Broadvision) is a community
standard for managing websites, rather than just content types?
At which point Jon whipped out his own fledgling CMS, and asked complete
strangers to play with it... rumours that he is enticing potential
collaborators with offers of sweeties and puppies are totally unfounded!
Step 2 - The Intranet/Extranet Market - Craig wondered how suitable the CMF
was for corporate extranets. It emerged that several people were using it
for this purpose.
The possibility that the CMF is currently more suited to corporate intranets
than CMSs, out of the box, was raised by Seb, and this theme was picked up
by Paul Everitt, as a possible market focus for the CMF (especially for
Step 3 - Friends in High Places - Straight from the mouth of a
self-confessed pooh-bah - "there's a big, big future for the CMF."
Look, it's working already! - Amidst all the advocacy musings was one
particularly glowing comment from cameron:
"This is what Zope was born for, and I salute you"
At my signal, unleash hell!
New products / releases
Blark Weblog / CMFOptions
French CMF
CMF Demo Product
Some CMF Sites
http://iwethey.org:8080/forums (beta discussions based on sql backend)
Odds and Ends
There are some questions still looking for answers - in particular, How to
grok Workflow (a brief answer appeared), Gregoire's workflow questions and
how to get Stock Zope Objects into a CMF instance - lots of requests,
Idle wonderings about RSS feeds of the mailing list turned into a fullblown
discovery of Ken's Stealth ZOMA.
Thoughts about an integrated spell checker; better living through
rationalised skins; is the Undo UI useable; some ideas about subscription;
and how to handle changes in the codebase gracefully.
Remi launched a thread about translating the CMF. It looks like there are,
or will be, versions underway in French, Spanish and German.
Finally, there was some discussion about discussions - Seb and / or Chris
will be having to write a new discussion tool soon, so any more input on
this issue would be very welcome.