[Zope-CMF] Proposed default workflow policy change

Jeff Sasmor jeff@janix.com
Wed, 2 May 2001 09:09:12 -0400

I disagree, too.

What would be nice would be to change the default workflow
so that **Determining** the state of an object would be publicly
accessible.  Right now AFAIK that only is possible for the
owner of a CMF content type (or a manager or a reviewer).

If two lines in CMFDefault/DefaultWorkflow were changed
(lines 287 and 288)
     allow_review = _checkPermission('Review portal content', ob)
     allow_request = _checkPermission('Request review', ob)

so that the permission was 'View' rather than these more restricive ones,
then the search.dtml page could be slightly modified to look at review_state
via the appropriate tool method calls.  It could also determine if the
viewer was
anonymous.  In that case, it could choose to show nothing for an anonymous
viewer and only published items for logged-portal members.

It gets a little more complex than this since ideally one would need to
wrap <dtml-let results=portal_catalog> so that you'd do this filtering
prior to doing the dtml-in where results are displayed or paging of
results would work strangely.

Regarding self-reviewing, it can be done on a case by case basis by
setting a particular member's Member folder (or a particular subfolder)
Review permission on.  I can't imagine that you'd want to allow
for anyone who joins a portal. Sounds like a prescription for massive porno
uploads to me.

Just my 3.14 cents.

Jeff Sasmor

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 14:06:33 -0400
From: Shane Hathaway <shane@digicool.com>
To: zope-cmf@zope.org
Subject: [Zope-CMF] Proposed default workflow policy change

I think the default workflow policy has generated a fair amount of
confusion among CMF users.  Part of the policy is that new objects are
not accessible by anyone but the creator and reviewers.  Items have to
be published before they are accessible in any way.

So I propose that objects in the "pending" state be made accessible
immediately.  Pending items wouldn't show up in catalog searches unless
requested on the advanced search form.

Jeff Sasmor
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