[Zope-CMF] Re: [Zope] Upgrade path from 2.2.2 and PTK

Paul Winkler slinkp23@yahoo.com
Fri, 04 May 2001 17:44:07 -0400

Tres Seaver wrote:
> The best strategy depends on the scope of your changes (were they
> changes to the "look-and-feel" methods copied the DemoPortal
> instance?  Did you modify the ZClasses in the PTKDemo product,
> as well?)  One approach:

Some of both - unfortunately I wasn't very consistent as I was
fumbling around getting the lay of the land.
>  * Create a CMFSite object alongside your DemoPortal instance,
>    and use the ZMI's copy-paste to move all your customized
>    DTMLMethods into the 'portal_skins/custom' folder of the
>    CMFSite.  View the site -- does it look like what you expect?
>    Fiddle with it, as a few names may have been changed "to
>    protect the innocent".

Sounds like a good place to start. Thanks!
>  * If you cusomized Wizards, then you have a somewhat tougher
>    row to hoe:  

Here I thought the reason I didn't use wizards was just because
I didn't like them.
I must be smarter than I thought! :)

> FWIW, your use case here is the driver behind the creation of
> filesystem-based skins:  we needed to be able to deliver new
> versions of the software without stepping on the community's
> customizations.

THat's what I thought. I will see if I can figure out how to
convert my customizations into a skin and hopefully avoid these
problems in the future.

...................    paul winkler   ....................
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