[Zope-CMF] Scriptable Type Information ignores new metatype?

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
06 May 2001 15:58:09 -0600

Yes, me again. ;^)=

So, having successfully created not one, but two, customized versions of
default CMF objects, i have now found an issue.

When I create an STI objetc, I get to select a new metatype for the new
object. Problem is, CMF doesn't seem to pay attention to it.

if I use Document as the base type, and set the new type as
"MyDocument", is is added and referenced as Document. This means i
cannot then seacrh for MyDocumenr in the search tool, and Topic will not
be able to use MyDocument as a meta_type to search for.

Am I missing someting here? This seems to me to be a really, really,
really cool and quick way for CMF admins to create items that are just
slightly different versions of the default ones, and do it TTW. yet we
then tell them, that they cannot then differentiate the new metatype in
anyway elsewhere in the CMF.
