[Zope-CMF] Scriptable Type Information ignores new metatype?
Bill Anderson
06 May 2001 22:13:57 -0600
On 06 May 2001 22:08:50 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Bill Anderson wrote:
> > Am I missing someting here? This seems to me to be a really, really,
> > really cool and quick way for CMF admins to create items that are just
> > slightly different versions of the default ones, and do it TTW. yet we
> > then tell them, that they cannot then differentiate the new metatype in
> > anyway elsewhere in the CMF.
> The trick here is that, to Zope, the 'meta_type' of your shiny
> new MyDocument objects *is* 'Document'; you will need to search
> portal_catalog on the Dublin Core 'Type' field to find them:
Sweet. I'll give it a go.