[Zope-CMF] Subject field in metadata
Tres Seaver
Fri, 18 May 2001 07:24:09 -0400
Norman Khine wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I update the Subject select list in the advanced search form -- what
> I have is that during a post I did not enter a subject, thus created an
> empty field. So now the first select is just an empty line. Is there a way
> to update this.
I would do something like:
- Customize 'full_metadata_edit' to add a text input field for adding
"additional" subject keywords, , e.g.::
<input type="text" name="added_subject:tokens">
- Add a PythonScript to the skin, 'fixupSubject'::
subject = []
for subject_org in context.REQUEST.get( 'subject', () ):
if subject_org:
subject.append( subject_org )
for subject_add in context.REQUEST.get( 'added_subject', () ):
if subject_add:
subject.append( subject_add )
context.REQUEST.set( 'subject', subject )
Note that this script also cleans out any unintended "empty"
- Customize 'metadata_edit' to call the PythonScript before
calling 'editMetdata'::
<dtml-call fixupSubject>
<dtml-call expr="editMetadata( ...
Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.org