[Zope-CMF] making a list of user email addresses
tav" <tav@espnow.com
Mon, 21 May 2001 12:53:36 +0100
>>>>> TS == "Tres Seaver" <tseaver@digicool.com> wrote:
TS> That was my bad, for suggesting the wrong method.
TS> 'getRoster' returns the Wrong Thing (tm) for what
TS> you want (it returns a list of dicts, each of which has
TS> 'id' and 'listed' keys). Try 'listMembers' instead:
TS> <dtml-in expr="portal_membership.listMembers()">
TS> <dtml-let member=sequence-item>
TS> <dtml-var expr="member.getProperty( 'email' )">
TS> </dtml-let>
TS> </dtml-in>
aha! thanks tres
btw, what happened to the CMF Skins competition?
and is further info available on the CMFWiki development?
best regards, tav