[Zope-CMF] CMF-Topic, need help or I start weeping
Tres Seaver
Mon, 21 May 2001 07:45:16 -0400
> Robert Rottermann wrote:
> Hi there,
> For a coupple of days now I try to use topics.
> Up to know only to my utter frustration. (which of course comes
> from my incompetece)
I don't think so -- it looks like a real problem to me.
> Here is what I have done.
> 1. When I use Zope 2.3.2 final, binary edition windows 2000
> and CMF-1.0 everything works fine.
> 2. As soon as I use the version I download from CVS I get a traceback.
OK, just to be sure: you mean that you are using the head of the CMF
CVS tree, right?
> The traceback happens when accessing the ZMI.
> The traceback happens when Zope tries to access the topics skins
> Here is part of the traceback
> Products\PythonScripts\PythonScript.py", linee 283, in _makeFunction
> raise "Python Script Error", ('<pre>%s</pre>' %
> Python Script Error: <pre> File "<string>", line 2
> context.addCriteria(field=field, criteria_type=criteria_type)
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
That makes no sense, as syntax errors go. If you are running
from CMF CVS checkout, try deleting (or renaming) the file
(CMFTopic\skins\topic\topic_addCriterion.py) and then 'cvs up'
your checkout; CVS will replace the file with a new copy.
> The file zope tries to access is
> CMFTopic\skins\topic\topic_addCriterion.py
> Zope dies in Products.Pythonscripts. Do I have to get a newer
> than the one installed by zope 2.3.2 final.
> Or do I have to install a newer Zope?
2.3.2 final should be fine. Please let us know if getting a
fresh copy of the file helps.
Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.org