[Zope-CMF] CMF-Topic, need help or I start weeping

robert at rocad robert@rocad.ch
Tue, 22 May 2001 16:43:06 +0200

(maybe I have allredy sendt this message bevor)

Hi Tres,
I followed your instructions. To no avail.

I have also tried a vanilla installation where I only had Zope 2.3.2, CMF
(from CVS) and the products needed (I think TAL and co).
The same error occurs.
I am running a NT2000 box, but I tried also on a linux machine.Same error.

I really wonder why this error does not happen to everybody using topics.

Thanks again

Here is the whole traceback

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\DirectoryView.py",
line 198, in getContents
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\DirectoryView.py",
line 264, in prepareContent
    ob = t(name, e_filepath, fullname=entry)
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\FSPythonScript.py",
line 124, in __init__
    FSObject.__init__(self, id, filepath, fullname, properties)
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\FSObject.py", line
127, in __init__
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\FSPythonScript.py",
line 146, in _readFile
  File "C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\FSPythonScript.py",
line 231, in _write
"C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\PythonScripts\PythonScript.py", line
295, in _editedBi
"C:\Programme\zope\lib\python\Products\PythonScripts\PythonScript.py", line
283, in _makeFunc
    raise "Python Script Error", ('<pre>%s</pre>' %
Python Script Error: <pre>  File "<string>", line 2

    context.addCriteria(field=field, criteria_type=criteria_type)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tres Seaver" <tseaver@novacoxmail.com>
To: "Robert Rottermann" <robert@rocad.ch>
Cc: <zope-cmf@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] CMF-Topic, need help or I start weeping

> > Robert Rottermann wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> > For a coupple of days now I try to use topics.
> > Up to know only to my utter frustration. (which of course comes
> > from my incompetece)
> I don't think so -- it looks like a real problem to me.
> > Here is what I have done.
> >
> > 1. When I use Zope 2.3.2 final, binary edition windows 2000
> >     and CMF-1.0 everything works fine.
> >
> > 2. As soon as I use the version I download from CVS I get a traceback.
> OK, just to be sure:  you mean that you are using the head of the CMF
> CVS tree, right?
> >     The traceback happens when accessing the ZMI.
> >     The traceback happens when Zope tries to access the topics skins
> >
> >     Here is part of the traceback
> >
> >  Products\PythonScripts\PythonScript.py", linee 283, in _makeFunction
> >     raise "Python Script Error", ('<pre>%s</pre>' %
> >
> >     Python Script Error: <pre>  File "<string>", line 2
> >     context.addCriteria(field=field, criteria_type=criteria_type)
> >
> >  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> That makes no sense, as syntax errors go.  If you are running
> from CMF CVS checkout, try deleting (or renaming) the file
> (CMFTopic\skins\topic\topic_addCriterion.py) and then 'cvs up'
> your checkout;  CVS will replace the file with a new copy.
> >  The file zope tries to access is
> >  CMFTopic\skins\topic\topic_addCriterion.py
> >
> > Zope dies in Products.Pythonscripts.   Do I have to get a newer
> > than the one installed by zope 2.3.2 final.
> > Or do I have to install a newer Zope?
> 2.3.2 final should be fine.  Please let us know if getting a
> fresh copy of the file helps.
> Tres.
> --
> ===============================================================
> Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
> Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org
> _______________________________________________
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