[Zope-CMF] Unable to edit metadat in today's CVS
Bill Anderson
25 May 2001 22:29:31 -0600
On 25 May 2001 22:23:14 -0600, Bill Anderson wrote:
> OK, snarfed the CVS version of XMF a few houes ago, and get the
> following traceback when trying to change an object's meta data. Any
> pointers here?
> ...or, has it been fixed since I snarfed it? ;)
BTW, this is aclean CMF, clean instance .. though this new 'CMF Decor'
is broken, complaining about:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/usr/local/Zope/Zope-2.3.1-src/lib/python/OFS/Application.py",
line 536, in import_products
product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly)
File "/local/ZopeSites/BillNoreboots/Products/CMFDecor/__init__.py",
line 3, in ?
import FSPageTemplate
line 95, in ?
from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate import PageTemplate
ImportError: cannot import name PageTemplate
Funny thing, i went and installed ZPT and friends, and nothing changed.