Jeffrey P Shell jeffrey@Digicool.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 11:08:58 -0400

On Monday, May 28, 2001, at 06:48 AM, seb bacon wrote:

> * Jeffrey Shell <jeffrey@Digicool.com> [010525 19:05]:
>> I put some thoughts together on this a few months back, even made a
>> tracker issue (that I later deferred) and put a proposal together
>> that I probably should have put in the normal dev.zope.org
>> fishbowl::
>> http://cmf.zope.org/PTK/Members/jshell/FolderCreationProposal.txt
> from the above doc:

>> The risk involved with manage_addFolder hijacking is that it would
>> disallow completely the ability to create standard Folders inside of
>> a PortalFolder.
> I think that the manage_MKCOL solution is a decent compromise.  It
> does involve hacking the ObjectManager and NullResource source, but
> doesn't hijack the existing folder method, thus avoiding any kind of
> assumption about the folder nature of a Collection in its semantics.
> A PUT_factory clone is uneccesary, IMO.

Whether it's manage_MKCOL or MKCOL_factory is irrelevant.  The point is 
that when webdav.NullResource is going through the MKCOL() method, it 
needs to give the destination a chance to decide what to create.  This 
might involve a simple Fishbowl proposal, however, as it's a change that 
needs to go into the Zope core.

> Is this the right place to have this discussion, or should it
> take place on the Tracker, or elsewhere?

May as well keep it here for now.

Jeffrey P Shell, jeffrey@Digicool.com
http://www.digicool.com/ | http://www.zope.org/