[Zope-CMF] Users are not able to add custom factory types such as CMFPhotoalbum and MeetingCMF

jimbo jimbo@tacomaplace.com
Mon, 28 May 2001 12:44:01 -0700

I've successfully installed CMFOptions and CMFAudio. I've also successfully created the poll tutorial and my very own simple custom portal product.  I think the problem is some kind of security issue. I'm also not sure if I'm calling the right constructor. I'm calling the default one that creates my zclass product. I've tried manage_addMeetingCMF and also addMeetingCMF and no luck.
  The initial view is the manage_addForm for the Zclass.
Here is the traceback

 An exception occurred in a DTML method or document. 

Error type: NameError
Error value: ManagedCMFMeeting 

Innermost method: /tacomaplace/ManagedCMFMeeting_add 
Name not found or not allowed: ManagedCMFMeeting 

Namespace Stack (innermost entry at top)  
ID Type Contains name? 
(N/A)  mapping with keys: ['document_id', 'document_title']  No  
?  InstanceDict  No  

Source of /tacomaplace/ManagedCMFMeeting_add with fault:

<HEAD><TITLE>Add ManagedCMFMeeting</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555">

<dtml-comment> We add the new object by calling the class in
                a with tag.  Not only does this get the thing
                added, it adds the new thing's attributes to
                the DTML name space, so we can call methods
                to initialize the object.

<dtml-with "ManagedCMFMeeting.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">


     You can add code that modifies the new instance here.

     For example, if you have a property sheet that you want to update
     from form values, you can call it here:

       <dtml-call "propertysheets.Basic.manage_editProperties(



<dtml-comment> Now we need to return something.  We do this via
                a redirect so that the URL is correct.

                Unfortunately, the way we do this depends on
                whether we live in a product or in a class.
                If we live in a product, we need to use DestinationURL
                to decide where to go. If we live in a class,
                DestinationURL won't be available, so we use URL2.
<dtml-if DestinationURL>

 <dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(


    <dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(


Call stack (security context)
