[Zope-CMF] CMF site busted? (was:Re: Login?)
marc lindahl
Mon, 28 May 2001 20:05:36 -0400
Strange, you're right. The page cmf.zope.org/Members/bowerymarc is
published, so it should be accessible, but it's not. They were just backing
up CMF, so perhaps that's why?
I get a an error in showThreads, a the line
<dtml-if expr="PARENTS[0].Type() == 'Discussion Item'">
Error type: Unauthorized
Error value: User Anonymous User is not allowed to access
/CMF/Members/bowerymarc, blah blah, the user would need one of the following
rols ('Owner','Manager','Reviewer').
side note, I thought aq_parent was supposed to be used instead of
> From: Olivier Delaroziere <delaro@noos.fr>
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 01:35:34 +0200
> To: marc lindahl <marc@bowery.com>
> Subject: Login?
>> It looks like it's all published -- you have to join and login as a member
>> to see anything, though. It's a different member database than
>> www.zope.org.
> I just joined cmf.zop.org but your page is still forbidden...
> --
> Olivier