[Zope-CMF] Revisions & CMF
Toby Dickenson
Thu, 31 May 2001 11:32:38 +0100
On Wed, 30 May 2001 11:04:49 -0400, Shane Hathaway
<shane@digicool.com> wrote:
>A lot of the ideas presented are actually more alike than it sounds at
>first. A future version of a document is really the same as a CVS
>"branch". No, we might not need diffs and merges, but we do need the
>concepts that are fundamental to CVS.
>A Zope "Version" object is also equivalent to a CVS branch. However,
>FileStorage, the default implementation of the ZODB storage layer, is
>currently hardwired to disallow concurrent branches. I don't know
>whether BSDDB3 storage makes the same assumption.
An observation, and Im not sure whether or not it is obvious....
You cant allow concurrent branches without some CVS-alike diffs and
merges. (unless your branches will forever remain separate)
Toby Dickenson