[Zope-CMF] HELP: Zope and mozilla.org
Paul Everitt
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 08:16:09 -0500
Hello everyone. Some of you may know that a group of Mozilla.org
people, led by Gervase Markham (cc'd on this note), are putting together
a prototype of a new mozilla.org running under Zope and the CMF. The
prototype site is at moz.zope.org.
We at ZC have chipped in a (small) amount of time and a site in the
zope.org cluster. Alan Runyan and Alex Limi have contributed a fair
amount of time, providing some skin work and changes to Document to show
history, etc.
However, time's running out on the prototype. We need more people
helping in the following ways:
o Join the mozilla-reorg@yahoogroups.com mailing list and
help explain Zope/CMF to people
o Contribute on skin work
o Make some changes to CMF to support their requirements
Needless to say, this is a gold-star opportunity to partner with a large
open source project and create a marquee example of Zope being used on a
large scale. The site gets a lot of hits (over 8M requests/month, I
believe) and would likely have a lot of contributors.
Time is running out. I believe the opportunity might fade away by the
first week of December if the last few items don't get resolved. If we
had another five or so Zope people pitch in, we could get Gerv what he
needs and take the next step.
In summary, help!!! :^)