[Zope-CMF] programmatically publish content (was: Re: Advice please ....)
Grégoire Weber
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 16:42:04 +0100
Hi Norman,
I tried to find a solution for your problem but I couldn't find it. Sorry.
There are two hints I can give you (and others on the list):
1) Calling "ob.portal_workflow.doActionFor(ob, 'submit', comment='')"
in "MembershipTool.createMemberarea" prompts for a password, what is
not intended
2) To add a <dtml-call "portal_workflow.doActionFor(ob, 'submit')">
in portal_skins/generic/logged_in (by customizing it) should work
because the user is logged in. But I could find out how to get
a specific object by name in this DTML method.
I'am not sure if 'published' will work. 'submit' should because a logged
in member is able to submit a item for review.
Please cc me if you find a solution. I would be interested also.
Greetings, Greg
At 13:56 10.11.01 -0000, you wrote:
> Hello Gregoire,
> Sorry to bother you like this, but I am a bit stuck, in trying to figure=
> how to extend your example for the CMFDefaultHotfix so that the index page
> that contains an image -- is being generated and both to have a
> review_state= 'published'.
> Here is the background to why I want to do this:
> I am using MySQLUserFolder which has ~40K members, everything works fine,
> meaning that when a user is authenticated through MySQL the CMF creates a
> folder which has an image and an index_html.dtml method. The problem is=
> you cannot see the image until you actually publish it. What I need is to=
> able to make the initial index_html and Image files published, until a
> member changes them.
> Try out my CMF site at http://www.khine.net/ I hope it makes sense.
> Many thanks for your help.
> Norman
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Grégoire Weber
Rigistr. 31
CH-8006 Zürich
phone: +41-(0)1-361 66 11
mobile: +41-(0)79-44 11 457